SEA Delivers Weapon-Agnostic Lightweight Torpedo Trollies SEA Delivers Weapon-Agnostic Lightweight Torpedo Trollies

SEA Delivers Weapon-Agnostic Lightweight Torpedo Trollies

SEA has produced a fully qualified and tested Light Weight (LW) Torpedo Trolley that can transport any LW torpedo.

Initially commissioned by Leonardo Helicopters, SEA was tasked with designing and producing a trolley that can carry LiG Blue Shark LW Torpedoes, and allow a single person to safely and easily move any LW torpedo on-board a naval platform or shoreside facility.

The Design Authority for the Royal Navy’s Magazine Torpedo Launch System (MTLS) and Air Weapon Handling Equipment (AWHE), SEA was able to design and deliver two compliant and operational trolleys to meet the project’s specific operational requirements and timeline.

Available to the wider market following its successful delivery, the trolley can be customised to meet each customer’s specific requirements and offers the capability to elevate the torpedo to load higher launch tubes or helicopter pylons. The modular design of the trolley allows it to interface with any LW torpedo on the market and complements SEA’s weapon-agnostic Torpedo Launcher System.

SEA Business Development Director, Paul Parsons, commented, “Starting from our inherently modular design, the design and development expertise we have at SEA has enabled the delivery of what is in essence a prototype as a fully qualified and tested product, helping our customer achieve tight timeframe requirements.”